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JACKNTHEBOX KENNELS was formerly “Baronmoore” established in 1992 with the help of the well known Jocelyn Cansdell of Myrmidon Kennels a leader of quality Jrt’s in Australia until her passing.

I had previously owned many a Jrt over my earlier years before recognition of the Breed to the ANKC. We used them on the farm as ratting dogs, hunting rabbits and out hunting with other breeds. I purchased my first ANKC female from Jocelyn and this started us in Showing them. And it grew from here !!! 

Our foundation bitches gave us I wonderful start in the Pedigree Jack Russell Terriers. Jocelyn was so passionate about this breed and her success grew in the Show Ring here and around the world & was made Honorary President of the Jack Russell Terrier Club in Japan. Jacknthebox has kept in with Myrmidon lines over the years sourcing Pedigrees going back to Myrmidon lines by Importing the types which fit to the Breed std that is current today. Jacknthebox has been dedicating many years (now 33+ yrs) to this wonderful breed. Jacknthebox has had great sucess itself in the Show Ring over the years. BOB Sydney Royal. Best In Show Specialty Shows. RU Best In Show Specialty Show wins, Best in Group + RU Best In Group wins. And uncountable Class in show wins + BEST OF BREEDS. For the past 2+ yrs since Covid in April 2020 we have not shown in Australia.

Due to my health issues since covid vaccination and breaking my foot I was not be able to show in 2022-23. I had some great support from a few people but the greatest help was from Linda Martin who step in to help show my team.
Our puppy owners for the Past 30 years have been more than satisfied with our past + present puppies and keep coming back for another and another !!!

We have ventured “Jacknthebox” to NZ my Homeland and with GREAT thanks to good friends Gerard & Joanne Price in NZ. Jo + Gerard will continue to help with my Imports. As all my Imported Dogs will go thru NZ before coming to Australia due to the BAD Australian quarantine experience I had. In 2020 I sent over Pre covid in March 2 dogs for Gerard & Jo to show. “Harley” & “Stella” (pictured) and due to covid hitting us all & not being able to show we decided to bred them for our first litter in NZ.
Kept from this litter born in December 2020 is Neville – “Jacknthebox Rumours Run Riot” starting his show career in April 2022 with very few outings due to covid. (Pictured Below)
And his Tri colour Brother ‘Colin’ – “Jacknthebox Rumour Has It” has not been shown but is a quality Jrt & will arrive in Australia in March 2023.

Baronmoore was originally the prefix for our Dalmatians and early Jack Russell Terriers. Finally in 1997 our prefix “JACKNTHEBOX” was excepted. And now all our Jack Russells Terriers will now be registered as “Jacknthebox”.

Jack Russells are great little dogs with big hearts and have stolen mine.

I am an accredited Micro-chip implanter & have Chipped now over 250+ Horses, 900+ Dogs, 150+ Cats, Several Birds, Snakes & other reptiles. I will travel to your home within the Hastings Region for a small fee or you can travel to me.



Contact Details

Anita-kaye Malby
Beechwood, NSW, Australia
Phone : +61407942852
Email : [email protected]

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Est. 1992 Registered ANKC Breeder